Main Grammar Points Covered in Wie Geht’s? Schritte 1 – 5:
The German alphabet
Introduction to grammatical gender and plurals
Telling time
Basic vocabulary (colors, numbers, clothing, simple opposites, the calendar, weather, common classroom phrases)
Chapter 1
Present tense of regular verbs
Nominative case
Basic sentence structure
Compound nouns
Chapter 2
Present tense of haben and sein
Accusative case and weak (-n) masculine nouns
Continuation of sentence structure
Chapter 3
Present tense of irregular (stem-changing) verbs
Dative case
Chapter 4
Present perfect tense
Subordinating conjunctions
Chapter 5
Personal pronouns
Modal auxiliaries
Sondern vs. Aber
Chapter 6
Two-way prepositions
Wissen vs. kennen
Chapter 7
Der- and ein-words
Separable-prefix verbs
Flavoring particles
Chapter 8
Genitive case
Time expressions
Continuation of sentence structure
Chapter 9
Adjective endings following der– and ein-words
Reflexive verbs
Prepositional (zu) infinitives
Chapter 10
Verbs with prepositional objects
Da– and wo-compounds
Endings of unpreceded adjectives
Chapter 11
Simple past tense
Conjunctions als, wenn, wann
Past perfect tense
Chapter 12
Comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Future tense
Predicate and adjectival nouns
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Relative clauses
Indirect speech
Chapter 15
Passive voice
Review of the uses of Subjunctive