TSGAS Photo Gallery

Classroom and School Grounds Pics

Classroom scenes at the Clifton Fairview German School

Can you guess the city? ... Some Fun & Games in Brett's Intermediate Class
Learning proper German table manners & place settings in Renate's Class

Credit: The above two sets of Pics courtesy of ©Connie Springer

Ready to play some German Board Games in Renate's class - What a great way to learn language and facts while having some fun at the same time.

At the Pause (Break between class sessions)

Board members Bill Sampson & Jennifer Gale selling tickets to the 2023 Rouladen Dinner.

*Note: The above images are within the property under ownership / management of the Fairview Clifton German Language School. TSGAS coordinates with Fairview Clifton and rents space / conducts classes at this facility, however, does not have a direct affiliation with this Cincinnati Public School entity.

Scenes at Notre Dame Academy & Other Previous TSGAS Locations

TSGAS Vice Principal, Board and Founding Member - Helga Bucher
TSGAS Vice Principal, Board and Founding Member - Helga Bucher
TSGAS Vice President, Bill Sampson
TSGAS Vice President, Bill Sampson

Offsite, Community, and Event Pics

TSGAS Volunteers at Germania Society's Annual Chriskindlmarkt

TSGAS at Germania Oktoberfest (2023)

TSGAS at Oktoberfest Zinzinnati!

Bock Fest

Christmas Festivities


Annual Rouladen Dinner

Monthly Stammtisch - Northern Row Brewery & Distillery

Stammtisch-Northern Row

End of School Year Celebrations

Mecklenburg Gardens
Mecklenburg Gardens EOY Celebration

Other Photo Submissions from TSGAS Friends & Family

Photos of Germany courtesy of TSGAS Friends & Family

Be sure to visit our Facebook page to view many more TSGAS photos and stories.
