• tristategermanamerican@gmail.com


TSGAS Tuition Rates

2024/2025 School Year

We are at / approaching this Enrollment Period

Full September - April school year

Tuition Per Student



1st Child/Teen


Additional Children/Teens

 $ 80.00

Second half only (January - April)

Tuition Per Student





Additional Fees:

  • An annual TSGAS membership fee of $20.00 per household will be charged at the time of tuition payment (this is only one $20.00 fee per year, per household regardless of how many students from that household enroll).

  • To recover fees charged by our PayPal provider, if PayPal is selected during online enrollment, then there will be $5.00 per student additionally charged at the time of tuition payment.

  • At the discretion of the instructor, students in classes without a separately-purchased text may be assessed a nominal fee ($5 - $10 per school year) for photocopies.

Books: If textbook information is not shown on the class listings page, the instructor will provide the students with the necessary details about materials.

Note that tuition is much more affordable than language courses at typical University programs or even comparable language learning institutions. This is due to the fact that TSGAS is a non-profit organization with talented, long-tenured, professional instructors who are passionate about teaching and keeping the German language and heritage going strong in the Tri-State.