• tristategermanamerican@gmail.com


Some of our favorite online resources to help you learn, perfect, and use the German language...


dw.com - Deutsche Welle or DW is Germany's public state-owned international broadcaster and is funded by the German federal tax budget. Read and listen to news and stories from Germany and access many free resources for learning German.

orf.at - Österreichischer Rundfunk is an Austrian national public service broadcaster. Funded from a combination of television license fee revenue and limited on-air advertising, ORF provides national and regional channels for news and music.

deutschlandfunk.de - This public-broadcasting radio station in Cologne, Germany, concentrates on news and current affairs.


wikipedia.de - The German Wikipedia (Deutschsprachige Wikipedia) is the German-language edition of Wikipedia, a free and publicly editable online encyclopedia.

duden.de - Online Duden dictionary and thesaurus, as well as information on the entire series of Duden reference works

bildwoerterbuch.com - Online visual dictionary from PONS

dict.leo.org - Online bilingual dictionary originally created by the Technische Universität München

YouTube Channels

Deutsch Lernen HandMed

Learn German with GermanPod101.com

Learn German for Beginners

Easy German: Learn German From the Streets!

Hallo Deutschschule

lingoni GERMAN


Grammar & Vocabulary Exercises and Quizzes

quia.com - Quintessential Instructional Archive (QUIA) is a subscription website that has templates for creating online activities and that has millions of shared activities and quizzes in over 300 categories, including over 2400 in German.

quizlet.com - This free site contains tests, quizzes, flashcard sets for a variety of vocabulary topics.  You can also create your own by logging in and creating an account.

Learning German

duolingo.com - Many of our students use this site to complement their formal instruction. There’s a extended free trial period and users will not receive spam or be solicited with other offers.




essen & trinken

Das Kochrezept


Entertainment/Fun & Games

wordle.org - The German version of the popular daily word game

radio.garden - Listen to radio stations from around the world!  Search by country, city, or specific station.